This blog entry will be really really small because I just have to make two announcements!
So don't expect something great.

The first announcement:
I thought my next time in Japan will in 2015 - but because of some sudden occurrences I will be already in Japan again in summer 2014!

Normally I wanted to go to other countries that summer but sadly all my plans were destroyed because of my universities exam plan... Than I met my friend Nadja who wants to go to Japan for the first time next summer. She normally wanted to go alone but was already worried because in Japan she is still underaged. At the same day she told me about it I got the news about my exam plan and so we decided to go together for 3 or 4 weeks in summer 2014 to Japan.

We are going to stay at a guestfamily in Tokyo but because of our JR rail pass we also going to visit other cities in Japan like Kyoto or Osaka. At the moment we didn't make any plan (also because we wait for the concert announcement of a special group... haha.) But I will let you know when I know more about our exact plan!!!

The second announcement:
I want to promote some unknown Japanese indie bands from now on here too. Well.. I won't tell a lot about them - because I also don't know that much about the most of them.

But I really found recently a lot of great bands. Oh - and it's gonna be J-POP bands. I think J-Rock and Visual Kei is already promoted enough from other people and from other blogs so I'm going to post from time to time links here from some J-Pop bands.
The beginning makes the duo "SORGENTI".
They even released some CD's, DVD's and have an own fanclub but still nobody knows them. But the voices are so great!!!

Here is a link to the PV of their song "MISS YOU".
You should check out their other videos also their official Youtube-Channel which is:
They even uploaded some live performances there and you can hear clearly that they are TRULY talented an need some more support!!

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