Yesterday was „German Unity Day“! So I had no university yesterday because it’s a holiday in Germany. We celebrate on that day the anniversary of the German reunification from 1990. The goal of a unity of Germany was fulfilled on that day. Many people in Germany kinda forget what this day is about or even complain about that because some people are even crazy enough to wish that there were two states again. Not many, but there are some people. To tell the truth: I also don’t really celebrate that day. I stayed at home and enjoyed my free time but at least I know what this day is about and I think that’s important.

Sadly I also had to stay today at home. Well.. maybe it's not THAT much a big deal because I just had one lecture today but still I feel bad about it. I woke up with a big headache and fever. I think it's because my heater wasn't working the last days. At least it works since yesterday but my body still got sick even before. Ahh.. I'm some unlucky girl sometimes. But I'm looking forward for university than next week!!

By the way. Lately I feel like I want to be in some kind of writing project again. I really want to support bands from Japan that not many people know because they are Indie or kinda new. I know many of that bands and wish I could support them a little but I don't really know how. I have a friend who is inside of some kind of writing project. Maybe I'm gonna write her later. But wouldn't that bands be happy if they get support from foreign countrys? If I would have a band I would be super happy if people around the world would support me!! So I want to try it!!

I think todays entry is just about some things that are in my mind at the moment and not really spectacular. But like I said in some blogs before: I just want to write in that blog what I want. Maybe there are also some tutorials, event reviews or something like that in the future - maybe not. That blog is just for fun! Haha.

OH! One last topic!!!
Do you guys now "Masuwaka Tsubasa"? She is next to "Kawabata Kanako" my all-time-favorite model I think... Lately I found pictures from her with red hair. I also have red hair at the moment and I felt so happy that she also had red hair before!!!!! Maybe I'm gonna style my hair kinda like hers in the future. Please check out that pictures!!
So So pretty!!!!!!!

I think that was already all again. But thank you for all of you who still read that things here!!! I know it's really random but still I have fun while doing it!

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