I have to admit first:
I never really updated my blog because I was -
1. Too lazy
2. Not sure which language I should use
3. Too lazy….
But the biggest problem was the language I think. Well.. I’m quite fluent in English but still I sometimes make mistakes in grammar. At least English is not my mother tongue so it’s normal to make mistakes and mostly I really appreciate it when people tell me “Oh, Mina! It’s not right to say that!” But when it comes to my blog it annoys me because blogging is just fun for me. It's a hobby, a hobby I maybe can like but some people always want to correct others to show up that they are so much better, right?

But you know what? I just decided to still update my blog from now on and just ignore that kind of people. I mean.. I really want to write in English (and sometimes still German and maybe in the future Japanese) so also my international friends can understand whats going on in my crazy head. So - please read my blog from now on!

So now we reach the next topic: JAPAN! YEHA! WOOHOOO!!!

I think most of you guys know that I went to Japan again this July / August. Sadly I didn't make so much pictures... But I made some pictures in December / January and I want to share them with you - just because I'm happy at the moment! Hehe. Also because recently I started finally to learn Japanese really really INTENSIVE! Before it was always like.. maybe once in the week. Just when I got some motivation. And just for maybe 20 minutes. But now - thanks to my new teacher - I study Japanese every day for 1 - 2 hours. I feel so happy and motivated!!

So I wanted to share some pictures to you to show you WHY I like Japan that much. There are also many reasons for me to DISLIKE Japan sometimes - but that's another topic. Enjoy that pictures!
I think that's enough for today. Enjoy your day!!!
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