Again some time passed while I was able to write a blog, right? I'm really sorry!! Always when I wanted to write something a thing happened that stopped me from writing. But maybe I will be more active now again. Just maybe!

What happened lately in my life?
I think it wasn't that much.
I was in Paris with my friends Nadja and Mel to visit the Japan Expo.
Even if I think we could have seen and done more things there. When I go again to Japan Expo I will plan about our schedule more properly.

Also I went again to Japan this summer - with Nadja!
Well... the trip was okay. IT WAS FUN! Of course! We saw a lot of things - even things that I was never able to see before. And I was able to meet a lot of friends of mine again - or finally. I was especially happy to finally meet my dear friend Kisa!

Still from all my trips this trip was my least favorite. I really don't want to be in summer in Japan again because I just can't take the heat. Also we had some problems there and ... ahhhh. The trip wasn't just what I hoped it would be.

Next time I will be alone in Japan again or with my friend Mel. IN AUTUMN AND WINTER!
Summer just maybe in the future for one week when I want to visit some concerts. But my favorite artists give also concerts in autumn and winter so ... who cares about summer?!

Also I found a new job!
I told in the last blog that I enrolled from university - and it was the best decision ever!

I am now a passenger attendant for trains! At the moment I'm still in the 2-month-training. I can't wait to be finally on the trains! It's really fun and my collegues are so nice. When I worked in office or in call center everyone tried to destroyed each other. It was really like that!! But in this job we can't really do that kind of thing. We have to be a team. If something bad happens in the train we have to work together and trust each other fully - so we can't be lone players.

I think that's almost all what happened to me in the past month. I told you - nothing special. I just thought a lot about myself too. I think what I really want to do the next years is to travel around the world, maybe find a wonderful and nice partner and build up a family with him.

I don't want to have a big career or big money.
Because many of my friends study in university, have a great career, a lot of friends and a lot of money I thought I have to keep on going maybe with this kind of things. But I don't really think so anymore. I don't need much money, many friends or something like that.. I just want to see the world and be happy with the few things I have.

And because J-Pop makes me the HAPPIEST in the world I share another song with you! Well, this one is not from an indie band but I hear it quite often lately. Please enjoy!!