It's a little while since I wrote something in my blog, right? I'm sorry about that! I was a little busy with university the last days. And when I wasn't busy with university I prefered to meet up with friends or play some horror games. But finally I am able to write at least one last blog in the year 2013! YEAH!!

First I thought I should write about how my year 2013 was ... But I think it's not that interesting right? I just make some short points for that:

I think that were the main points this year.. Sorry for being lazy and not write a proper report. This year wasn't the best year in my life but still I was able to reach some goals so I think all in all it was a good year - but 2014 might be better!!

The last topic is about 'Sleepless in Germany'. Well, it's 4:13 am now and again I just slept maybe around 4 hours in the night. Lately I have a lot of trouble to get enough sleep and I really don't know why. It's so annoying!!

I really don't know what to do against it. Haaaah... but it's also sometimes fun because I really like to be awake in the night. I prefer night over day!! Not because I am depressed or something but night always makes me feel calm down and relaxed so I enjoy it a lot.

At the moment I thought about what I could write about. A person lately asked me about my opinion to Japan because it will be my 5th time to visit that country.
Most people say "Mina. You really must love Japan and you go to live there in the future, right?"
And I just can say "Yeah, I like parts of Japan. But I don't know if I really want to live there."
Of course I want to spend my semester abroad in Japan. But staying there forever..?
People who went to Japan and DIDN'T just stay in Tokyo maybe know what I'm talking about.
Japan is a great country. The food is amazing, you can find the cutest stuff there, the music is great, the nature and culture is beautiful... but there are also many bad aspects.
For example: Japanese people can be really racist. For them it's not a big deal to call you "Gaijin". But .. the people of you who study Japanese know what the Kanji of "Gaijin" means.
外 = Outside
人 = Human
So it's kinda like "person from the outside" or "outside person". They even call people "Gaijin" who live there for years. Isn't that sad and also annoying for the foreign people who moved to Japan? If I would call a foreign person in Germany - who lived here for already 5 years maybe - "YO! OUTSIDE PERSON!" I would get a beat in my face I think.. haha. No, but seriously - for them it's not a big deal but that's already really bad.
Also just as a visitor.. No matter where you are. You are the outside person. People staring at you, try to avoid you... You are like a monkey in the zoo. Just that people don't talk bad about the monkey and feed the monkey with bananas. lol. But sure, some Japanese people are very polite. They try to help you out and try to be nice to you. But - my next point.
Polite Japanese people. This 'politeness' goes THAT deep that a Japanese person would never tell you their truth opinion. I think 95% of all Japanese people are lying to you very often just to make you feel better. That part of the Japanese culture is the most annoying for me because I'm maybe the most honest person in the world.
There are even more things that are not great for me but I think that's the main points.
BUT! My Japanese friends shouldn't feel bad now. I STILL LOVE JAPAN! I STILL WANT TO STAY A LOT OF TIME THERE AND STUDY THE LANGUAGE! AND I LOVE YOU ALL, MY FRIENDS!!! Haha. But I just want to make people understand that not everything in Japan is holy, perfect and great for me.

I just can recommand here two things!
Please watch the movie "Hafu". It's about the children of mixed culture pairs and their struggles in the Japanese society.
Or - for my German readers - please follow and read the blog of "Samurai-Biker". He is a man who lives in Japan since a lot of years. He was even married to a Japanese woman. He tells mostly about the bad points in Japan because in his opinion enough people talk already about the good points. And he is doing it in a funny and very ironic way!
Here is the link to his blog ~

I think the last blog of this year wasn't that interesting maybe but still I hope some of you enjoyed it.
I hope everyone of you have great Christmas days and also celebrate the New Year nicely!!

I end this blog again with some music. This time it's the band "JAY-BE". They are still indie and haven't released any CDs until now. But they are really great - and they write all their music and lyrics themself! Isn't that great? Please check them out if you have some time!